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Indoor Position System

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Developing Technology to help the elderly

Real Time Indoor Position System (IPS)

Care Givers have an enormous responsibility in providing care for people with dementia. One of the greatest dangers is "elopement". Empowering the Care Giver with a real time position monitoring/alert system enables them to be notified of "pre-elopement" situations, while they are busy with other tasks.
The problem with most main stream systems in the market is their failure mode. They simply detect a resident approaching a door and magnetically lock the door. The problem is that elopement is possible due to situations such as the door being held open or propped open. The elopement occurs without the knowledge of the care givers. That is why here in Saskatchewan the goverment has a bulletin pointing out the failure modes, and professing the need for "roll calls" to ensure patient safety when using such systems. This is were the IPS (Indoor Position System) solves the problem. A system that always knows the location of a dementia resident, eliminates the need for roll calls and improves resident safety.
A given system could operate in one of two modes:
1. "Door Locking"
The location of a bracelet wearer is tracked. When they are in proximity of an exit door, the door is locked using a Magnetic Locking device. The system concept prevents most elopement attempts. However the locking of doors creates a "locked in" feeling for everyone, including non-bracelet wearers, as when a bracelet wearer is near they also will be prevented from exiting (or visitors entering). Care Giver intervention is required to move the bracelet wearer away from the door to allow normal door access for others. Mag Locks must be disabled to allow exit on fire detection. Historically Simple Mag Lock proximity systems have an additonal weakness in that if the bracelet wearer achieves elopement (such as door held open for them), there is no notification of the actual elopement. However with an IPS system additional notification is possible of the actual elopement occurance, especially when the user goes out of range.
2. "Notification System"
With an IPS system the Care Givers can be notified on a smart phone of "Pre-elopement" and "Elopement" situations. With use of IP cameras with two way audio, Care Givers can quickly assess each situation to determine if they need to take any actions. This system does not lock doors, but rather depends on the Care Giver's assessment. The main benefit is to all the residents who experience more freedom of movement, without a locked in feeling.
With either system Care Givers have instant smart phone access (web page) of the current location of a bracelet wearer. Activation of a "Mobile Call Button" (Pendant) by a resident also notifies the Care Giver of the request and the current location of the request.

IPS System Development Status

Two IPS trial systems have been installed in Personal Care Home environments.