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Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

PEMF Pulse ElectroMagnetic Field Therapy
Is PEMF Therapy Effective?
Types of Magnetic Fields
Proposed Theorical Rotary Magnetic Field Theory for Optimizing ROS
Links for Summary of Research Papers

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Is PEMF therapy Effective? What does the Research show?
The best source for information is not generic searching the web, but rather studing the research papers. Key word searches for research papers should include "PUBMED" and Research Gate. Plus you need to try and judge the quality of the research paper. Methods include, the number of people listed on the author list, the associated institution of research, and the number of times the research paper has been cited. You may view this incomplete sample research in PEMF02.pdf. The most recognized device was produced by Dr.Bassett and is FDA approved for healing non-union bone fractures. Facinating more recent results (2023) are demonstated by the OncoMagnetic device and their patents. Each person should review the area of specific research for themselves. PEMF has been researched for applications ranging from Cancer and wound healing, to Arthritis, to Dementia and even pretreatment of seeds to improve germination rates. Personally I think some application areas shows potential, and further research based on better defined specifications should be performed.
An equally important question to ask is if PEMF could be harmful? Perhaps the best reference to go to is the ICNIRP Guidelines. Figure 2 shows the recommended limits versus frequency.
For example at 300Hz the recommended occupational exposure limit is 1mTrms (1.4mTpeak). It is important to recognize ICNIRP has 3 categories for recommended limits:
1. General Public (x10 safety factor built in)
2. Occupational exposure (x10 safety factor built in)
3. Intentional informed knowledge exposure (ICNIRP sets no guidelines for this category)

An important observation from the graph is that ICNIRP is combining the impact of not just the strenght of the magnetic field, but also the rate of change (frequency) of the magnetic field. Equally important is to realize the graph is for sine waves, not fast rising signals containing many harmonics. Please realize that the Rate of Change of the Magnetic Field is an extremely important parameter.
So Yes, a magnetic field could be harmful. Especially a rapidly changing magnetic field. Do your research before exposing anything to a magnetic field. Don't be fooled by thinking that since an MRI is safe, that any lower power PEMF device would be safe. Yes MRI can produce in excess 3 Tesla, but they all control the rate of change of that field. There are PEMF devices that exceed the rate of change of magnetic field of an MRI. This is often called "slew rate" and is typically expressed in Tesla/second.

Theories on how magnetic fields might be working are best addressed in papers such as "Spinning magnetic field patterns that cause oncolysis by oxidative stress in glioma cells". This paper discusses the magnetic field effect on ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species). It seems well accepted that Cancer cells have higher iron, and ROS content than normal cells. One strategy in Cancer therapy is to raise the ROS level in all cells(like most chemotherapy does directly or indirectly), and expect the Cancer cells to die before normal cells. The above paper also notes that Trolox (anti-oxidant) can nullify the effect of the magnetic field, claiming that is evidence that ROS is involved. It is also evidence that anti-oxidants in the diet may affect the outcome of any magnetic field therapy targeted at Cancer, and even any Cancer ROS targeted therapy.

Types of Magnetic Fields

Two Main Types:
Static: Just the well known magnet that is not moving. Another example is the Earths Magnetic Field.
Changing Field: A Magnetic Field that is changing in magnetic field strenght with time.

Types of Changing Magnetic Fields:
Sine Wave:
Complex Wave: comprised of multiple Sine Wave, to produce complex waveforms, usually with faster rise and/or fall times.
Burst: Magnetic Field is turned on and off versus time

Direction of the Field:
Rotary Field: Also known as spinning magnetic field. The simplest example is the the field produced around a magnet spun by a motor.

Most research seems to point that the Rotary Magnetic Field might be the most therapeutic.
Rotary vs Vertical and Horizontal UREBS magnetic field *** Cool Videos of effects on Iron Powder ***

How does Unique features (Hallmarks) of Cancer Cells relate to PEMF?

By understanding the differences from normal cells and cancer cells, it is possible to stress the cancer cells more than the normal cells. This is called "differential stress". It seems the most common stress applied is Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). ROS is bad for all cells but is much harder on Cancer Cells. Then if there are ways to optimize the ROS response in the Cancer cell, the differential stress improves, and the effect on normal cells decreases. Most PEMF Cancer research articles claim an effect on increasing ROS which leads to cancer cell death. So Understanding how ROS is generated, and the things that counteract it is critical. For example the Oncomagnetic research claims application of Trolox (anti-oxidant) REMOVES the effect of the PEMF. They use that effect to conclude that the ROS action is involved in the PEMF application. It is also important to understand the role of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide), Iron, and Copper(transitional metals) in the generation of ROS. The implication is for example, it might put into question if a diet high in anti-oxidants would be compatible with PEMF therapy. It also puts into question if combination therapy of high dose Vitamin C (IV) and PEMF would a powerful combination?
Another interesting parameter is the lenght of time of application of the PEMF field vs the ROS generated. This article on application of Rotating Magnetic Fields (RFM) claims a time limit of 1hr for reducing ROS, after which ROS is increased.
"The RFM can reduce oxidative stress, as evidenced by higher SOD and CAT activities in the CG than in samples placed in the RFM. Prolonged exposure to the RFM at 50 Hz increased the TAC level, indicating an intensification of oxidative stress in these samples. The optimal conditions for staying in the RFM (reducing oxidative stress) are 1 h 50 Hz for SOD and MDA; 3 h 25 Hz for CAT and TAC. In the case of ROMO1, it is stated that 1 h 25 Hz are the optimal conditions for no increased production of ROS." So for Cancer therapy application requiring ROS stress, >1 hr application would seem beneficial.

The main point here is that:
1. Many research papers connect pulsed magnetic fields with the ability to raise ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species).
2. Many research papers conclude that a raised ROS level can kill cancer cells long before affecting healthy cells.

So perhaps a good question is:

What is necessary/helpful to temporarily raise ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) for Cancer Treatment?

No treatment should be thought of as acting on its own. Everything we do and eat will have an effect on the effectiveness of the treatment. Hence any treatment should be thought of from the perpective of the goal and tailor the entire treatment to meet that goal.
Goal: Kill Cancer Cells without no effect on Normal Cells.
Strategy : Weaken Cancers without weaking Normal Cell.
Method: one possibilty is listed below

1. Magnetic Fields
Magnetic Fields can act as a trigger for the Fenton Reaction to produce ROS. Excess ROS kills cancers, especially if the ROS is greater in the cancer cells than normal cells. see this ROS research , and this ROS Magnetic Field research
Longer application of magnetic fields may be better at producing ROS (Example 4hr)

2. Silver Nano Particles
Silver Nano Particles (AgNP) are known to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS), and cancer cell are more vulnerable due to the "enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect". Smaller nanoparticles less than 10nm may be more effective. Furthermore AgNP may reduce intracellular glutathionine (GSH), which is an ROS scavenger. Magnetic Field treatment has also been combined with AgNP therapy.
AgNP with Magnetic Fields Research
AgNP and Cancer Research
AgNP generation Research
Silver Nanoparticles Toxicity Research

3. Iron and Copper
Transitional metals like Iron and Copper are required for the Fenton Reaction, and are in greater demand in Cancer cells. (meaning more ROS generated in Cancer cells compared to Normal Cells)
Copper and Cancer Research

4. Boron
Boron is another transitional metal of interest in Cancer. " intake is associated with reduced risk of cancer"
Boron "raises levels of antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase;" but "may prevent cell proliferation by acting as an oxidant in certain doses". It is unclear if a Boron supplement would raise or lower ROS, but high levels of Boron does raise ROS.
"The absence of studies showing harm in conjunction with the substantial number of articles showing benefits support the consideration of boron supplementation of 3 mg/d for any individual who is consuming a diet lacking in fruits and vegetables or who is at risk for or has osteopenia; osteoporosis; osteoarthritis (OA); or breast, prostate, or lung cancer."

5. H2O2
H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) is a required ingredient, and H2O2 levels are already higher in Cancer Cells. (meaning more ROS generated in Cancer cells compared to Normal Cells)
"cancer cells are characterized by an increased H2O2 production rate"

6. Ascorbic Acid
Very high levels of (IV) Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) is known to aid the Fenton Reaction raising ROS (donating electron). "antitumor potential of high-dose ascorbic acid is rooted in its ability to generate hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)"
"In the presence of metals, and particularly iron, high dose of vitamin C exerts a pro-oxidant action by generating hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals via Fenton chemistry"
Link to Additional research on Ascorbic Acid + Cancer
Link to Additional research Ascorbic Acid + Cancer + Magnetic Fields
Possibly combine with Vitamin K3

7. Avoid antioxidants
Avoid antioxidants during treatment? Theory would imply that if you want to temporarily elevate oxidative stress one should avoid anti-oxidants.
See Controversial Research. Since researchers have used antioxidants (Trolox) to nullify ROS activity, that seems to imply antioxidants should be avoided when desiring an ROS responce. The only way antioxidants could be of benefit (for high ROS therapy) is if they antioxidant works for normal cells and not cancer cells.

8. Fasting Mimicking diet (FMD).
" Fasting was previously shown to differentially sensitize tumors to chemotherapy while protecting normal cells..."
" In 101 patients, the FMD was safe, feasible, and resulted in a consistent decrease of blood glucose and growth factor concentration, thus recapitulating metabolic changes that mediate fasting/FMD anticancer effects in preclinical experiments"
" Collectively, our data indicate that the combination of a fasting-mimicking diet and vitamin C represents a promising low toxicity intervention "
The FMD denies Cancer cells the Glutamine and Glucose required for the Warburg effect, making them more vulnerable to high ROS stress.
FMD and Cancer Research
Interesting option is "Caloric Restriction Mimetics" such as Hydroxycitric Acid (unproven rare liver damage?)

9. Alkalization Therapy?
Since cancer cells show a 'reversed' pH gradient, another way to stress Cancer cell might be Alkalization Therapy. Check out this article. Meaning and Significance of “Alkalization Therapy for Cancer”

10. Other Supplements that might effect ROS
a.) Cancer Cells have higher GSH (Glutathione) and any additional supplementation might help cancer cells survive. In therapy that tries to raise ROS to kill cancer cells GSH (Glutathione) provides a protective effect for the cancer cells.
b.) Quercetin, normally an anti-oxidant, at higher concentrations might deplete GSH in cancer cells, then act to increase ROS in cancer cells resulting in cell death.
"extended exposure with high concentration of quercetin causes a substantial decline in GSH levels, impairing the ability of quercetin to scavenge ROS. As a result, pro-oxidant effect of quercetin overdominates its antioxidant effect, resulting in DNA damage and cell death.”
c.) EGCG may act as pro-oxidant.
EGCG research
d.) Apigenin(Parsley) may act as pro-oxidant.
Apigenin research
e.) Lycopene might act as pro-oxidant.
Lycopene research
f.) Curcumin might act as pro-oxidant (combine with Nrf2 knockdown?).
Curcumin research

11. Other Resources
Modulating the Yin and Yang Energy of Cells to Fight Cancer: Pro-Oxidant Strategy

Example summary Quote on Combined Effect (excludes Magnetic Field, Alkalization Therapy).
"A fasting-mimicking diet and vitamin C: turning anti-aging strategies against cancer" (2020)
" In the presence of metals, and particularly iron, high dose of vitamin C exerts a pro-oxidant action by generating hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals via Fenton chemistry."

Treatment Cautions
Reminder that anything that targets cancer cells is also likely going to be to a lesser degree toxic to normal cells. After all that is what chemotherapy does, and that is why a person feels sick from chemotherapy. Take Magnetic Fields and Silver Nano particle (Colloidal Silver) as an example. There is a perception of some that these therapies are healthy, but since they are known to raise ROS should be considered for short term treatment with consequences weighted off against the benefits.
Silver Nanoparticles Toxicity Research

Here are PDF links to research papers

Calcium, Cancer, and Magnetic Fields
ROS Reactive Oxygen Species
ROS Magnetic Field research
Ascorbic Acid + Cancer
Ascorbic Acid + Cancer + Magnetic Fields
AgNP with Magnetic Fields Research
AgNP and Cancer Research
AgNP generation Research
Vitamin K
Iron and Magnetic Fields
Copper and Cancer Research
Blood flow circulation and Magnetic Fields
Magnetic Field Research and Cancer
Rotating Magnetic Fields and Cancer
FMD (Fasting Mimicking diet) and Cancer Research
Alkalization Therapy (pH)
Apigenin research
Lycopene research
Curcumin research

Here are more PDF Research links not always related to PEMF

Apigenin research
ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
Alpha-Lipoic-Acid (ALA)
Hydroxycitric Acid
Electrical Cell Differences
EGCG research
GSH Glutathione
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)
Lycopene research
Photodynamic Therapy
Propyl gallate
Conflicting Research of Selenium and Cancer
Vitamin K
Warburg Effect
Whole Body Vibration

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