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Total patterns=3317

Welcome to Saw4Fun and Saw4Joy! The site has been updated making all the scroll saw patterns FREE. There are many patterns and project plans for your craft enjoyment.
Give a fantastic gift, a personally made item scroll sawed from one of our many patterns. The gift has so much more meaning because of the personal touch and the effort behind it. It is cherished all the more, and often for generations.
They need not be complex items to show love for friends and family.
Scroll sawing is a very fulfilling hobby adopted by tens of thousands of people worldwide. It produces works of art that always appear to be more work than they actually are. A bit of scroll saw art is perfect to brighten up that bare corner or unadorned wall.
Key Features of Saw4Fun woodworking patterns:
- instant download of patterns.
- easy to use, just print on letter size paper, and attach to wood.
- patterns for various levels of expertise.
- patterns feature simple, step-by-step instructions.
- no sign up required, no emails, no spam.
NEW! We also have many posters and desktop backgrounds for downloading! You may download them with a scripture verse embedded in them to encourage yourself and others in GOD's goodness. A new meaning to Saw4Joy, to rejoice in GOD's goodness. For truly GOD's handywork in nature is miraculous!
Have fun browsing for a pattern or poster just right for you or your loved ones.
Enjoy your visit!